Day CCCLXV, part III

I didn't sit there alone for too long. Will showed up pretty quick.

- So, what do you think? - he asked.

- You mean the whole discussion?

- Mainly the district idea.

- I think is good, but it will be hard to achieve. Velvet Lotus's position in the city is too strong. We might create an alternative, but it will be a poor one compared to the original. Besides, the cost will go into millions of points. Blue will use those numbers to get stronger.

- I thought the same - he said while squinting his eyes, to look at the bright sky. - Maybe we should just go to war? Eradicate the cockroaches, and finish this whole mess of a situation. We only keep stretching it out, and it benefits him, not us.

- Maybe. The thing is, no matter what you say, Hatta, Boris, and Nobuo won't go for it. They don't want war. Me neither. Maybe...

I didn't finish, surprised by my own thought.

- Maybe what?