Ne next four days were pretty rough for others. I noticed that without my help the barricades were being built very slowly, so I decided to resign from the hunting, and focus only on the construction. Still, as fewer and fewer stones were around, the whole process became slower, and even with my hard efforts it took us four days to build something decent, and prepare few spots to hide from arrows.

But eventually, it was ready, and on the fifth day, we actually could engage in the grand battle. All the excitement kinda died down because the reality finally got to those eager for a fight. This was a risky venture, and somebody could potentially even die.

After early morning breakfast, I headed out to quickly kill few closest groups of orc patrolling the canyon, while the rest prepared for the showdown. I cleared the perimeter around us in around an hour, then came back to bored hunters.

- Finally - said Nil when he saw me. - We are dying here.