After the initial success, we continued our occupation of the orc camp. Gradually, with each battle, people got more and more tired. The fatigue accumulated in their bodies, and movements got slopier, to the point there was no other choice, but to take a break.

We retreated to the safe spot, further away from orc camp, and while those exhausted rested, the rest kept hunting. After four days we were ready for a comeback. This time we lasted only eight days, though. And only testing our luck, because the last battle went terrible.

Orcs broke through our positions faster than usual, and we had to retreat through the whole canyon while I kept attacking, and keeping them busy.

Many got injured, but not badly enough that Will and I couldn't heal those wounds. We didn't manage to get all of them since we both ran out of healing, but we did a fair bit. Enough for people to be able to move.