We got up early, with the sun, and after quick breakfast departed. People took yesterday's spring through the forest rather well, but we still had at least a day of travel ahead of us.

In the beginning, everything seemed to go well, we covered a lot of ground, but with a bit more time it became clear that we won't make it before dark. Pushing so damn fast only pulled more orcs over our heads. Which was a good thing. Still, we preferred to put our hands on the camp where the fight would be more stationary, than chase after greenskins for a whole day.

We managed to go really far, but still, there were few hours between us and our destination, and the night came.

We decided to camp for the night and travel the rest of the distance the next day. It didn't matter if we invaded the orcs settlement early in the morning, or sometime after midday. We only needed enough daylight to fight and then pick the score.