After waking up, and doing the usual necessities, I summoned shadows to pull the cart for me, and went hunting. My focus this time thought was not yet another bear, but rather the location of their lair. There just had to be one somewhere.

The only problem was, I actually had no idea where. If I was to shoot my shot I would say it somewhere in the middle of the territory, but I didn't even know in what part of it I am, so there was no way of me deducing where to go. I was forced to roam around and count on my luck.

A day passed and I didn't find anything, only more bears. Fifteen to be precise. They all died by my hand, literally, as I had to break their skulls with my poor fists, and their crystals ended with the rest on the cart.

That was the whole day, with few breaks for food, and constant focus on my breathing, to keep up with the Ki.