Day CDLIX, part III

- How many classes do you have? - asked Rishi.

- Nine I think - I answered.

- What's the strongest monster you fought with?

- Werewolf.

- That's the boss we are going to kill, right?

- Yes.

- Don't you mainly hunt in the canyon?

- Yes. I do.

- Ok Rishi. Let Peter breath - said Amit.

- Sorry... I'm just curious.

- It's fine Amit. When we talk the time passes faster.

Rishi smiled  a bit, and after a moment of pause asked again:

- So... What's your coolest skill?

- Well... I can for example do this - and I summoned all eight shadows. - They will now pull the carts for us, so just let them.

We stopped for a moment, at shadows took over the pulling.

- That's useful - said Amit, nodding.

- How many can you summon? - Rishi asked immediately after.

- As many as you can see.