I woke up while Nadia was still sleeping, with her head on my shoulder. It was still dark and silent outside.

I had a dream. A dream I thought I won't have ever again. I thought it was just a creation of my stressed mind. Mind that brought me that strange vision of the burning city, but it returned. Was it because of Blue? - I kept asking myself.

I was unable to go back to sleep, so I got up. Waking Nadia in the process.

- Dong to - she mumbled, still half asleep.

- Shhhh... Go back to sleep - I kissed her gently on the forehead and got out of the bed.

She quickly drifted away back to the realm of dreams. I on the other hand quietly dressed up and left. It was nice and chilly outside. What was even more important, empty. So I could use the device without any problems. I bought new clothes and went to the bathhouse to wash myself up.