Day DXIV, part I

In the morning Nadia attempted to escape to work, but I did let her and informed her she got a free day, granted by Hatta. During yesterday's evening, we were too busy to talk, so I didn't mention that previously.

- So, what's the plan for today then? - she asked.

- Will and the rest are back in town, so why don't we grab a few drinks in Velvet Lotus?

- That's a plan for the evening, but what we are going to do before?

- How about we look for a place to settle in? Our new house. I have some points, we might even be able to buy it right away, and then discuss how we will change it. Does it sound fun for you?

She laughed.

- You are ridiculous, Peter.  Do you think we can pick up something in one day? Not to mention other things, like changing the walls, room assignment, furniture, and decorations? That will take days.

- Nah. We can do it today. We have the magical device.