Day DXIV, part V

I looked around. It was a complete mess. Few dead beasts laying on the cobblestone, but not as many as I would expect. A couple still burning corpses. People tried to save themselves, using the device, but it became overcrowded, and those who couldn't get there in time, just bleed out. I saw Will, trying to save as many as possible, but his healing powers were not nearly enough.

- You need to get Williams, Peter - said Blue. - He is the one responsible for this.

- Shut up - was my response.

After those words, I looked at Hatta and said:

- Make sure Nadia is safe. I'll bring as many as possible, and kill Williams. Then we will deal with... - I pointed at Blue - him.

Hatta nodded. I went running, looking for targets. There was nobody in the immediate vicinity, so I jumped up, on the closes, not swallowed by flames, building to get a better view, but it was not enough, so I quickly got to the highest one around.