Day DXV, part II

A goblin went out of an alley. I was surprised by this view and stood up. He on the other hand, after noticing humans, just charged at the crowd. People were too focused on the execution to see the monster.

He was not alone, a couple more came running after him, and they were followed by a whole horde that poured out of the alley.

- Blood for blood! Blood for blood! Blood for blood!

The crowd kept chanting.

- Watch out! - I yelled and charged to protect people.

Hatta looked at me, confused, and then he saw what I did.

- To arms! - he shouted. - We are under attack!

A howl, followed by hundred others, silenced the chanting crowd. I used shadow walk, to cover the distance, and get between goblins and humans. Just as I did, wolves ran into the city center.

I created a weapon for myself and started cutting down green ones. One after another.