Day DXV, part V

My shadows did a great job from the get-go, making few orcs around me busy. They couldn't fight for long, since their bodies were unable to withstand even a single blow, but I kept summoning them.

That gave me enough space to fight. I was not playing around, and from the start doing my very best. Thye couldn't match my speed and strength. They couldn't block my attack, nor avoid them, and I was killing dozens at an incredible rate grabbing a lot of attention.

We managed to hold a minute, or maybe two, and then I shouted:

- Run!

Blue had to hear it, as I noticed a white blur of a jumping werewolf. He landed on the side of one of the closest buildings and started climbing. Few arrows flew through the air, mostly missing, and bouncing off the wall, but some did hit him and sunk in his back. He ignored them, making his way to the roof, then vanished.

I followed right after using shadow walk, to make my way there.