Day DXV, part VIII

- Protect Nadia for me! - I yelled on top of my lungs and used shadow walk to get on the closest roof.

From there I started closing the distance between me and those damned mages.

My appearance grabbed their attention, and the next fireballs went my way. I dodged them easily, and shadow walked again, to the alley filled with orcs in robes. Among them stood the boss.

I ignored him and started cutting spellcasters one by one. With the corner of my eye, I caught a blur of grey, as he leaped towards me. At the last moment, I dodged with shadow walk. Giant cleaver embedded itself in the cobblestone, decimating few mages that happened to be on its way.

I never have imagined somebody this big could be able to move that fast, and yet there he was, before me, an embodiment of brutal force.