Day DXXI, part I

When I came back, it was too late to grab anybody and talk, so In the end, I found myself a nice spot on the ground, and I sat down there, thinking.

Ki'rai, whatever that thing was, brought me a lot of information. Now I knew that we are just a bunch of pawns in a game we have no idea about. We didn't know the rules, we didn't know the stakes, but we were paying with our lives for everything.

Maybe The Great One was doing all of this for reasons only known to him, or maybe I was lied to, and Xuvi, tired of hiding from the wrath of a powerful being, after what they have done, wanted to use us to somehow get rid of him. Maybe they were behind this invasion. History already showed they can mess with those strange devices.

Ki'rai was able to change shapes, which meant the creature could also possibly make it to the city without being noticed. I unconsciously found myself looking at the tent.