Day DXXII, part I

  I started the day by finishing the food left in my backpack. There wasn't much, but enough for few bites. Then I went to look for Hatta. I found him in the tent, with Marcella. He was helping her to take care of the wounded.

- Good news - he said as soon as he saw me. - Nobuo woke up during the night. He healed himself, but not completely. The crystals we had prepared were not enough.

- I'll bring more.

- You could help with your magic too - said Marcella.

I nodded in response and started helping. I used most of the life energy on Nobuo, though.

- I want you to know that your help is appreciated by everybody here - said Hatta. - I know those last few days had to be terrible for you, and yet you are here, helping.

- You are also here and also helping.

- You know what I meant.

- I know... Hatta... I've been pushing it, but I believe it's time. I need to see her.

He sighed.