Days DXXVIII - DLXI, part II

In the room there was Hatta, sitting behind his desk, William with a glass of something alcoholic in his hand, Nobuo, just standing, and Amit sitting in front of his leader.

- Peter-san.

- Hi.

Amit just looked at me and shook his head. I was still in the torn rags, with the new clothes in my hand.

- So? What did you want to talk about?

- There is something, that has been rising up to our attention lately. I believe - He peaked at Hatta, who confirmed with a nod - that is the reason. We have some kind of religion that is picked up by more, and more people.

- Religion? Seriously? - I sighed. - We have a device that can change people, heals wounds, and they want to... 

I just realized what religion was about.

- They call themselves the Followers of Divine Tree - said Hatta. - And they are insisting on upgrading the device.