With the sun rising up it was time to start moving. Ki'rei got woken as I started to crawl from under the cart. We quickly ate breakfast, and I proceeded to clear the vicinity out of bears, then I made it closer to the den, killed guards, and went underground, to abuse Rishi's tactic.

Shadows picked all the crystals for me, and after taking a very short break to eat, I was going to depart, but she stopped me.

- Where are you going? - she asked transforming from her chicken form.

- I need to check something and perhaps talk with somebody.

- I'm going too.

- No. If he sees you as Tam, he will find out that something is going on. It's a smart person. He can put two and two together.

- Then I won't be Tam. I can be almost anything.

- No. If he sees you, he will know. Just stay here, ok? In few hours I'll be back.

- I'm going - she said, getting all serious, and looking me straight in the eyes.

I sighed.