Days DXCIX - DC, part IV

I grabbed her by the collar faster than she could react, and just lifted her up in the air. I looked her straight in the eyes. She didn't seem to be scared at all.

- Did you like it? - she asked.

I didn't answer. I wanted to punch her.

- We, The Followers of Divine Tree know how special you are, and we know how to show how grateful we are for the things you do for this city.

- What?! - I was completely thrown off.

- Join us. We will appreciate you like anybody else. You will be treated the way you deserve to.

  She was either nuts, trying to sell me some bullshit, or… I looked at Velvet Lotus. Aisha was supposed to supervise this girl. I just dropped Maia and stormed back inside. Using shadow walk I gut upstairs. This time Zoë was fully aware of my presence, and intent to get to Aisha's room.

- She is sleeping – she said.

I ignored her, and shadow walked inside the room. Aisha was passed out on the couch.