Day DCIV, part III

- You seem troubled - he started. - Do you want to talk to somebody?

- If you want more crystals...

- No. You gave me enough - he smiled. - I would like to return the favor if I can, so if you want to talk to somebody, I'm here.

- It's not a conversation I would want to have with a stranger.

- Why not?

- Because I don't know you.

- Does that make me a worse partner for conversation?

- Kinda...

- Wery well then - he turned to leave.

- Wait... Just... Just sit if you want.

And he took the spot Amit was sitting on, and again smiled at me.

- What troubles you? - he asked. - You don't have to say the details if you don't want to, but it's good to talk about things that bother you.

I sighed. I just couldn't believe I'm gonna have a conversation like that with an older guy whom I just met.