Day DCXXXIX, part II

We got ourselves two nice mugs of beer and sat close to the exit. There were few people inside, but most of the tables were empty. Still, the few conversations going on were pretty damn noisy as people shouted from time to time, or laughed out loud.

- I heard you've been hunting like crazy when we were gone. You even joined forces with Blue apparently. Not gonna lie, didn't expect that coming. Any new classes?

- I evolved one just yesterday.

- Evolved?

- Yeah. When you get all the skills upgraded to the full, you can get the next tier of your class, but it apparently costs ten times more.

- Is it ten times stronger? - Will asked with a slight smile.

- How would I know? I just got this. There was no time to test.

- Do you wanna spar? Wuxia has some old sparing rooms. We could use those...

- I would beat your ass anyway. I need a real enemy, boss for example.