Day DCXL, part I

After waking up I did my usual routine of taking a bath, then eating in the cafeteria. For the first time in quite a long period, I felt happy.

Will joined me for a bowl of hot stew, as I was devouring mine.

- You have quite an appetite.

- I bet you are as much in love with warm meals as I am.

He smiled.

- I bet everybody who had to leave for more than two weeks is. By the way, did you talk with Hatta yet? I bet you didn't.

- I barely took a bath.

- A bath, huh? Luxurious, aren't we?

- Yes. We are. I much more prefer to not smell like thirty days in the woods in the same clothes, sweating all day long.

- Uh... Now you are making me disgusted.

- Fuck you will. You are just like me after sweating your ass off in the canyon.

- No, my friend. I'm a handsome gentleman, and my sweat is like honey.

I laughed at him.

- I saw bricks that looked better than you.