The next thirty days were focused on mainly hunting. I every day cleared the bear den all the way to the doors leading to the boss. I managed to collect 22440 more crystals. Without having to run all the way to wolf territory and back, I wasn't as tired as during previous huntings. Although fighting with those incredibly powerful bears in almost complete darkness was taxing.

A couple of days after she left me, Ki'rei returned. In the beginning, she didn't want to talk to me at all, but with time and a lot of dried fruits, she opened up a bit, and I managed to convince her, that next time I'll bring her that damn knife.

It was kinda annoying, having to persuade her to forgive me.

Even after all this effort, she was distancing herself a bit from me, but I had this strange feeling that it was more so I would remember this time to bring what I promised, than because she still was upset.