Day DCLXXXVI, part I

The morning was kinda all over the place. Some of us felt excited and did everything like any other day, but others were on edge, and the nervousness showed in their moves and words. The hectic rummaging through their own food rations. Moodiness. Annoyance when some small things happen.

Especially Alice was like that. I wasn't the only one who saw it. Hailwic also did, and immediately reacted, calming down her friend, just being there for her. It reminded me why I liked to be among those people. I could count on them.

- You ready? - asked Will, as he came closer with a handful of peanuts.

- I was born ready.

He smiled.

- That's something I like to hear. So... we are doing our thing, and you will be doing yours?

- Yep. Just do whatever you used to do without me, and I'll just run around and destroy everything on my way.

He nodded.

- Sounds like fun.

- Everybody ready?! - shouted Boris. - We need to clear the perimeter.