I woke up, and I felt terrible. I had to force myself out of bed because I just didn't want to go. Soaking myself in the hot water didn't help at all. It felt so nice that I just couldn't make myself get out. I stayed until the skin on my fingers got all wrinkled up.

Then I went to the cafeteria, to have something warm. That was probably the most painful thing. The food here tasted soo damn good compared to the stuff I had to eat in the wild. I ate slowly, to cherish every single bite, but eventually, it was gone, and I had to move.

I went to grab the carts, summoned a bunch of shadows to work for me, and then had to go back to stand in line to the device. It took some time, as I failed to before everybody else, but at some point, my turn came, and I could finally buy provisions.