I woke up and did the usual routine, then went to visit Hatta. He had a meeting, but the guards just let me in.

- Morning- I said while entering.

I actually didn't expect the person he would be meeting so early in the morning. The old man I asked him to employ. They both were standing over the desk and pointing at papers.

- Oh, Peter! Morning - said Hatta.

- Good morning - said grandpa, smiling at me.

Even his eyes were smiling.

- Give us a moment, Peter. Mister Brutus and I have to go quickly through some numbers. Please go and have sat somewhere.

- Sure.

I went to take a spot on the couch, as they continued. It took them several minutes, and then the old man left with a few of those papers in hand.

- Good to see you, Peter - said Hatta, coming closer.

He sat behind the other side of the table.

- It's good to see you too. How is everything going?