Day DCCLX, part II

Even with the deafening scream, I wasn't afraid. It actually allowed me to build up my resolve.

The boss leaped through the air, and landed just in front of me, swinging his weapon at the same time. I moved to the side, as it plowed the air, just right next to me, and dug deep in the stone.

I shadow walked the hell out of there before he could try another attack. I still wasn't in the zone, but at least I could fight somewhat.

He turned around, and immediately charged at me, ripping the ax from the ground yet again. He swung it horizontally, but I ducked under and repositioned behind him in a midswing. I got him, my blade passed across his leg. He twisted his body and swung again, so I had to shadow walk out.

The wound I gave him wasn't shallow, but not deep either. The problem was, there was only a bit of blood coming out of it. Definitely not as much as I expected. Thet thing was though. Even tougher than I thought.