After my usual routine, I just ended waiting in the barracks for the return of my friends. It was a terrible decision as I didn't have anything to do, and was well-rested, so even a nap was out of the question. I started wondering if maybe I should upgrade myself a bit in the device, but I was also a bit hesitant towards this idea.

I was not too far away from getting enough class points to get the shadow knight upgrade, and having plenty of regular points would allow me to get a bunch of probably really powerful skills.

Suddenly somebody knocked on my door.

- Yes?

- It's Blue. May I come in?

- Blue? Sure...

He entered the room with confidence. He was wearing casual clothes, but still elegant. Black turtleneck with a navy blue long sweater on it.

- What do you want?

- I just spoke with Hatta, apparently, you suddenly got interested in the gate leading towards the wastelands.

- Seriously? I already explained...