For the next seventeen days, I kept hunting with Amit. Sometimes the newcomers changed, sometimes they remained the same. There was a big rotation, which meant I had to repeat my stories pretty often, but by the last day, I finally had what I wanted, enough points to unlock the 'Shadow pilgrim' class.

It unlocked for me the following skills: 'Shadow walk II',  'Hide presence II', 'Shadow reach', 'Void anchor', 'Shadow permit'. They had the usual prices except for the anchor skill. That one was 10 million from the start.

I bought the first levels of all of them to test first, and decide where to invest later. I was tired by then and on top of that, it was already late. So I just went to wash myself up, eat and sleep.

The next day, after the usual routine I wandered off to the city. I started with the 'Shadow reach'. At first, I couldn't figure it out, but with a few tries, I managed to discover that it allows me to poke small holes to The Void and back.