Day CMLXII, part I

- Fuck - just escaped my mouth.

The sun was peaking inside through all the holes, windows, and the door. I picked myself up, then went outside, discarding the barriers.

It was a beautiful, warm morning, with a nice cold breeze gently grazing my skin. All of the people seemed to be still asleep, so I want to use the device, and got myself a few oranges.

I ate them one by one, sitting under a wall, close to still barely burning bonfire. Somebody had to add a bit of firewood to it at some point since it didn't die during the night. I soon discovered who, as Su, the short Asian guy, showed up with a bunch of wood pieces.

- Morning - I said to him.

- Morning - he replied with a moment of hesitance.

He proceeded with his work, and I observed him for a moment, which clearly got him annoyed.

- When do the monsters come? - I asked suddenly.

He stopped and looked at me.

- Tonight - came from the right.