Day CMLXIV, part I

I Woke up, turned the barriers off, and went outside. It was already morning, although still grey. I grabbed some food. It was starting to be a bit annoying that I couldn't get myself a bottle of beer or some advanced stuff, that required upgrades of the device.

This made me really think about going out there, behind the gate, to search for monsters. I didn't have to think for too long to decide. The idea of getting more crystals was just too damn tempting. Those people needed them, and I needed the few luxuries I got used to in our world.

I started walking. The architecture was very similar to ours. At least the one before we got attacked, and then managed to rebuild a lot. A copy of the same thing. According to Alexandra's story, they weren't there for more than a couple of months. That made me think that maybe we were the first group. The fact that our city was on the original planet that the whole Bahumdabar's story happened was a clear indicator.