Day CMLXXVI, part I

I did my daily routine and went to the city center to watch as hunters prepared themselves for departure. There was something uplifting in this view. People were working hard for a brighter future. The sky was blue, and the sun was shining. Like everything was trying to tell us how bright future we have ahead of us.

Maybe the whole process of hunting wasn't like it used to be, dangerous, but it still took a tremendous amount of effort, and also discipline, to make yourself go out there every single day. I felt proud of those people. About what we created out here.

Probably the whole situation with traveling to another world like ours gave me a new perspective and appreciation of what we had here. Maybe it wasn't as big as the cities back on earth with skyscrapers and all of that, but we had something. A little resemblance of civilization.

- What you are looking at? - Will's voice took me by surprise.

- Oh... Just looking. At people.