On that day, after the usual routine, and bringing Ki'rei food, I went to visit Hatta. He was going through some reports, looking all bored out of his mind, shuffling paper after paper.

- Morning - I said, as he didn't notice me enter.

- Morning. What brings you here? - he stood up, to get from behind his desk, and meet me halfway.

- Two things. First is that I want you to inform me when Will and the rest return, and the second is I want you guys to meet with Ki'rai.

His eyebrows shoot up.

- Meet? Why?

- She is a good kid - "An ally", I wrote with void essence in the air. - I'm sure she will be thrilled to finally talk with other humans except me. Besides, you should know what we are dealing with. You need to see her transforming abilities.

- Good kid? - he sighed. - If you say so.

Then he went back to his desk, picked a piece of paper, and wrote on it with some charcoal "You sure about that?".

"Yes", I replied.