I started the day with my usual routine, with a small exception. Since Ki'rai wasn't around, I actually could eat the cafeteria food. After such a long break it tasted amazing.

Then I wasted a bit of time waiting for the hunters to depart, so I would have some time to look at my status in the device. I still had plenty of points and was wondering what to upgrade. In the end, I went with strength, as it would give me more power and speed. I went a bit crazy on it, investing 29 704 500 points and upgrading it 1 800 times.

The surge of energy knocked me down on my knees, as my body painfully cramped for a moment. It was just a couple of seconds, but it felt much longer. My body felt unnaturally light. I wanted to test it in action, but without Ki're there was no sense of going to the lizardfolk settlement or the graveyard because I couldn't spawn boss by myself, but I had a place where I could go. The canyon.