Day MXVII, part I

I started my day with a bath, then went to the cafeteria to fill my stomach. While eating I focused on planning what to do throughout the day. Without Ki'rai I couldn't spawn bosses, but I for sure could get myself some crystals, and right now I needed plenty of points. There were so many things to improve.

The 'Psion' class skills needed testing, and some investments if they would prove to be useful. The 'Power of mind' and 'Focus' sounded most useful as they could potentially strengthen my resistance to mental attacks I was struggling the most with. I also needed other elemantalist classes, to have options.

I was particularly interested in 'Air elementalist' as I really needed a way to fly, at least a bit. The past month revealed a lot of weak points I had. There was also a 'Berrier maker' class which I wanted to upgrade, cause the skills were useful, and I ignored them for a very long time now.