Day MLXI, part II

I started by activating 'Eyes of the Void' and then went inside to immediately start falling. My speed was accelerating with every second, to the point that even my tough body wouldn't withstand the impact, but I had an ace in my sleeve.

I shadow walked slightly lower to reduce the speed and kept falling. The process needed to be repeated few times, before I finally landed on the ground. I couldn't see it, but there was an elevator door in front of me. I just shadow walked past it.

I found myself in a dark room with only a few small red lamps constantly plinking. Something I noticed after turning the 'Eyes of the Void' off for a moment. It looked similar to the decontamination area I remembered from my previous visit with KI'rai. This one was rougher though. Bare metal everywhere.

There was a big and strong door at the end. I just shadow walked past it to find myself in a similar short corridor, with another door, which I also went through.