Day MLXI, part IV

- We will have to talk few things through after you finish your food - said Hatta. - Ok?

- Yeah. I thought you are gonna say that.

- Well, the matter is serious. You could potentially rail up a whole race against us. I need to know what happened there, and what I should as their answer - he looked at Ki'rai. - I hope you can answer those questions for me.

- I can - sie said confidently.

- First, we will need to get rid of the wiretapping in my office. Can you help with that?

- I can - she nodded. - I know where to look for one, but there might be more.

- Will you be able to find them?

- I've gone through the same training as others from unit C, so I should be able to find them.

I didn't join their conversation, and just remained listening, but her words made me a bit worried.

- Hey. You still here? - I said in my head.