Day MXCII, part I

I woke up but remained laying on the floor, where I slept as my bed was occupied by Ki'rai. I waited patiently for her to wake also. She did after few minutes, being used to getting up just like I was.

- We are taking a break from hunting today - I stated as she was rubbing her eyes.

She looked very cute while doing it.

- Why?

- Well... I need a bit of a break. I also want to talk with a bunch of people, you among them, but we will do that later.

She twisted her head to the side, surprised by what I said.

- Ok - she replied after a moment and jumped out of the bed.

I also got on my feet, groaning while slowly turning to get up on my knees first. I was behaving like an old man, but my body was more of a brand new machine. Ki'rai waited for me patiently, and together we went to wash up, and then grab some food in the cafeteria.