Day MXCIII, part I

For the first time in quite a while, I slept in my own bed, which felt a little bit strange. With Ki'rai staying at Aisha's place I felt very weird, alone. I had to contemplate on those thoughts before I finally got up, and went to take a bath.

Soaking myself in cold water helped me clear my head, and then I went to eat. To my surprise, I found Will there, already over a steaming bowl filled with some stew.

- Didn't expect to see you here - I said as I was sitting on the opposite side of the table, in front of him.

- Why?

- I don't know... I thought you are making your own food. Did I ever see you here before? I can't recall.

- You had to see me here. I come from time to time when I'm in the city, but since I'm here rarely it is what it is. I really need a means of transportation.