I started the day a bit lazy, knowing how much work is to be done, and also thinking about Ki'rai. I wanted to talk with her, to know what she thinks, and maybe to apologize. Maybe she needed some time, to think things through, so I didn't want to just march straight to her and make everything about me, as it was clearly about her, and how she felt.

Eventually, I managed to get out of bed and went to wash up. As I was leaving, I met her, also coming out of the women's part of the bathhouse.

- Hi - I squeezed out.

She looked down at her feet.

- Hi - she replied. - Um... I...I'll be staying with Aisha for a while.

- Ok. I'm going hunting... You can tag along if you want.

- Maybe tomorrow.

- Ok.

I hesitated for a moment and then left, to eat in the cafeteria. I was fast, to finish before she came. Why? I don't really know.