Knocking on my door woke me up, and I immediately knew who was there.

- Go away!

- May I come in, Peter? - asked through the door.

- No! Go away.

So, obviously, he opened the door and entered my room.

- I'm still sleeping...

He ignored, am and went to open the shutters, to let some light inside, then sat on the chair, by the table. I, on the other hand, turned from one side to another.

- We need to talk.

- I already talked with Hatta, yesterday.

- Oh... Then never mind. Sleep well - and he left.

- Fuck you! - I yelled behind him, as he was closing the door.

- Asshole... - I continued mumbling to myself.

There was no way I could fall asleep now when he woke me up. Annoyed, I left my bed and went to wash up in the bathhouse. Then to the cafeteria, where he already was waiting for me. I sat next to him.