Day MCXLIX, part II

We landed inside the overgrown forest, next to a walking tree. Ki'rai immediately escaped, climbing up, to get herself on a branch, out of range of the monster. She had no idea about the magic that thing could use. I send a fireball with chained explosions at it, to make sure she won't get hurt.

That worked like a charm, ripping the walking problem apart to shreds, but the noise for sure made other monsters in the vicinity alarmed. She then started to climb down.

- Stick to me, but avoid the trees and other vegetation, ok? Those creatures use them in their magic - I explained.

She, after landing on the ground, couldn't look me in the eyes, embarrassed.

- Ok.

With that out of the way, we could travel further, dealing with the trees thanks to my flames, and incredible strength, that I released, turning the seal off.