Day MCXLIX, part V

The spiders started raining down on me and climbing on my clothes. I immediately used my fire magic to create the burning butterflies to get rid of those, accidentally setting the clothes on fire.

My magic made this rather dark place, very bright.

Cursing, I didn't stop running, then jumped and clashed with the boss, landing a hit from above, which was blocked by his legs. He screamed at me again, splitting the jaws into three parts, and spit on me. The acidic saliva ate what was left of my hoodie almost immediately.

- Fucking... -escaped my mouth as I landed in front of the creature.

The spit was burning my skin slightly, but I just ignored that, as I had my hands full with the spider legs trying to impale me. I had to parry several simultaneous attacks from different angles, but I had enough speed and proficiency.

I ended up shadow walking from that place quickly, as there were no chances for launching a counterattack.