He extended his left hand and flames exploded from the ground under my feet with a deafening crackling noise, creating a pillar of flames. I reacted to slow by shadow walking out, but the damage was minimal.

Without ruining my tempo I used a heal, and repositioned few times, closing the distance. He kept throwing the same thing at me but soon realized that it won't work, then his eyes changed. The iris became white-blue little lightning bolts struck from it.

That was just the beginning, as more of those started dancing all over his body, hitting the ground, and clearly traveling towards the hammer, which became enveloped by the electricity. I could hear the thunder above my head, gathering storm.

I didn't stop though, I even accelerated, finally activating my skills. The void essence started slipping into this world through the ground, creating those faint traces of smoke. The blade of my weapon burst into flames. My body also changed, fuzing with the shadow.