The day started just like any other would, but I knew that this one will be different. I was not wrong, although the reason behind the difference was, well, different. I thought that hunting again with Will is gonna be the main factor, but I was wrong, and I noticed it as soon as I arrived at the city center.

There was only Boris and Will standing there from the group of my friends. The whole place was busy, as people were preparing for their own departures. The duo was standing on the side, to not take the space from those who needed it.

- Hi. Where are the others?

- Well... Will talked with me yesterday about your little deal, and we decided it's a good opportunity to take a break. So it's just the two of you today. Have fun - he said, and just left.

- So just the two of us? Like in good old days - I said to Will.

- Yep - he agreed.