The Great One led me to one of those strange towers, and as we approached it, an entrance suddenly appeared, and a hooded figure in grey robes emerged out of it. The ball of light vanished.

The clues led to the obvious answer. Real The Great One was just in front of me.

I noticed green skin as the figure reached to take down the hood. Just two fingers and opposite thumb, all three very long. The skull of the creature was in the shape of an infinity symbol, with two relatively normal eyes with intense blue irises. There was no hair on the head, just the middle part had some calloused protrusions, that was going through the face, slowly vanishing, as those got closer to the nose in form of two small holes.

There was almost no chin, just a small mouth with seemingly no lips.

- Welcome Peter - figure said to me in perfect English. - It's good to see you for the first time with my own two eyes.

The voice was calm, boring even.