I didn't walk for long when I noticed a man stumbling out of an alley. He was walking backward, with his hand slightly risen, like he was showing that he surrenders. Then he tripped over his own feet.

A group of four men followed him from the direction he stumbled out. They were clearly talking, but I was too far to hear a thing with the constant noise of the city.

This looked like something that would help me take my mind off my family, so I just started walking towards them.

- Please, I beg you! I already gave you everything I could - said man, lying on his back, still trying to crawl.

They surrounded him.

- I didn't ask for everything you could give me. I asked for everything you have.

- Look. I can give it to you. I have workers that need to get paid.

- I don't give a shit.

- Gentlemen, what is going on here? - I asked, as I was close enough.