Day MDCLV, part II

Rachel looked at Patricia like she just betrayed her, but blonde shook her head, insisting she wasn't behind it.

- Thank you for your cooperation - said one of the men who just entered, looking at Patricia.

He was wearing a suit and a black shirt, with a golden chain on full display around his neck. The right hand had a watch around the wrist. The guy took off his sunglasses, as the rest of his, clearly, underling packed themselves inside.

- I don't know what he is talking about, I swear - she protested, looking straight into Rachel's eyes.

She was about to cry.

The guys started to look around, as the rest blocked the only exit. There was something in him that was pissing me off so I decided to do something stupid.

I cleared my throat and approached him.

- This is private property, so I would appreciate it if you guys would fuck off.