Day MDCLV, part VII

It was the middle of the night. The streets were empty. I immediately got myself inside the building. The light automatically illuminated the stairs, and I started climbing. I made sure to focus only on walking, not the environment, to avoid persuading myself from turning back.

I knew the moment I allow myself to start thinking, I will do it. I ended in front of the door, and without a second of hesitation knocked.

My heart immediately jumped, and I could see my stomach rising to my throat. There was no immediate response, and second knocking came way harder than the first. I literally had to force my hand, but I did it.

- Who's there at this hour? - I heard a familiar voice from my mom, and my legs suddenly got so weak.

Obviously, she didn't speak English. I'm translating her words just for you, my reader. She spoke Polish.

My mind jumped onto finding a way out, finding a way to run the hell from that place, but I didn't.

- I-it's me.