I stayed in Loistavadvaar for 84 more days. Reading a lot, and exploring the city. I found the armory, but I couldn't get inside for some reason. Probably The Great One was behind that. I found plenty of new books, though.

I did some hunting from time to time when a suitable opportunity presented itself. I even got a chance to catch a ghost or two from the wastelands. At some point, something surprising happened.

Do you remember the three coins made out of void essence using the 'Shadow mark' skill? It so happens that all of them got returned to Hatta, and he decided to contact me through one of them. I was trying to write something in my notebook when I suddenly heard his voice.

- Hey, Peter? Does this even work? Shit...

- Hi. Who the hell is it? - I replied uncertain, although his voice sounded familiar.

- It's me, Hatta. This thing really works!

- Yeah, it does... Long time no... hear?