- I guess that's them - I said to Will, but he didn't answer. - Hey, I said...

- I know. Shut up. Should we go there, or wait? I'm freaking out... That's my son. That's my boy...

I sighed and just started walking. Will after a confusing moment of attempting to move, stoping, and finally looking at me, followed.

- I didn't know what to say! - he strained through clenched teeth.

- You will figure something out. Just follow.

We didn't have to wait long for a reaction from them. They spotted us quickly as we were the only people moving towards them with intent.

- Dad?! - yelled the boy.

He had jeans and a white shirt with a black tie. Standard pot haircut of brown hair, and facial features similar to his father.

- Dustin! - shouted Will.