[Bonus chapter]Days MDCCCVII - MDCCCXXII, part IV

I started by summoning two shadows and made it look like they crawled from underground. Elaine reacted immediately, by stepping back. Dustin on the other hand was clearly excited, as his mouth opened.

My two minions picked themselves up, and then assumed positions in front of me.

- Ok, guys. We are going to go fight that lovely bunch - I pointed at the soldiers, and the shadows looked in the correct direction.

It was obviously fake, since they didn't have eyes, and were just simply silhouettes made of void essence.

- I want you to play nice. No sharp weapons. As a matter of fact no weapons at all, and no hurting, just simple subjugation. You get it? Ok, very nice. Now get the rest and attack.

They ran past me in the opposite direction of the pit, and vanished, turning to smoke, as I unsummoned them. There was a moment of pause when everybody was looking around nervously, not knowing what is gonna happen. Everybody except Will, who was facepalming.